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Hey! I’m Michele, the crazy artsy lady who has a Little Free Library and a puppy named Ozzie. I hope you visit often and follow me! Who knows, I may be famous someday and you can say you knew me “when”!

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COVID-19 has nothing on Fred

Updated: May 30, 2023

I cannot begin to express my phobia of squirrels sufficiently. Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words. My nemesis, Fred, is around every corner. Just when I thought there were “normal” squirrels around, it happened. I was getting a ride home today, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. We were at a stop light, and Fred, or one of his minions, was charging the car. No, I’m serious...charging the car.

It was obvious enough that it sent Ozzie into a complete meltdown. He went all Tasmanian devil at the window, snarling and barking. At the last possible moment, that insane squirrel spun on a dime, and darted up the tree we were temporarily stopped next to. Then it proceeded to stop halfway up, sit in a knot on the trunk, and glare at us in the car, as he ate the nut he’d brought with him for lunch.

If that wasn’t traumatic enough, I had to make a supply run for coffee and dog food before quarantine becomes mandatory. This time it was definitely Fred! He ran out in front of my car and stopped in the middle of the road, staring me down, daring me to end my misery and take him out! The thought of his little fingers and toes in my wheel well stopped me dead in my tracks. I’d never be able to get in my car again, if I squished his little body with my car...never. He took one more look at me and I swear he rubbed his little hands together, and cackled a maniacial laugh before running to the other side of the street. #ozzie #fred #michelenimtz

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Thanks for your interest in Michele Nimtz. For more information, feel free to get in touch and Ozzie will respond as soon as he finishes chasing that deranged squirell! I’ve named him “Fred”.

Ozzie loves the sites and smells of Mobile, Alabama. I can write and create anywhere!

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