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Hey! I’m Michele, the crazy artsy lady who has a Little Free Library and a puppy named Ozzie. I hope you visit often and follow me! Who knows, I may be famous someday and you can say you knew me “when”!

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In Search of an Artist

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

Have you ever had a vision? You know, the kind that is in full color running around you head screaming to get out. I have a vision. My daughter is a very talented artist with natural innate skill. I, on the other hand, went to school for it. Those who can’t, teach. I see my characters and setting so clearly in my head, but I cannot translate them onto paper in a visual form. I’ve been lucky to locate two artists who have captured my visions in my head for my book series. It’s just a matter of finding the funding to hire their vision. It’s a dilema many writers have. I am chasing an elusive publishing contract, yet am considering self publishing. It’s a Catch 22. Most publishers and agents won’t even consider a self published book, but they want you to be an award winning author with a large fan base. What’s an emerging author to do?

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Thanks for your interest in Michele Nimtz. For more information, feel free to get in touch and Ozzie will respond as soon as he finishes chasing that deranged squirell! I’ve named him “Fred”.

Ozzie loves the sites and smells of Mobile, Alabama. I can write and create anywhere!

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