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Hey! I’m Michele, the crazy artsy lady who has a Little Free Library and a puppy named Ozzie. I hope you visit often and follow me! Who knows, I may be famous someday and you can say you knew me “when”!

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Live Long and Persist...

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

I find things take so much longer than I ever imagined, yet time flies by at the speed of sound! Anyone else feel the same? NaNoWriMo is almost upon me and I’m still not sure my plot is where I wants it. I have lots of detail ready to write, but am attempting not to drive into a rabbit hole at full speed. My goal is to get the total 50k. Last time I got 35k And that was about eight years ago. It’s not a big stretch. My books general run about 70-90k, so it won’t be finished, but anything is more than I have. Good luck everyone!

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Contact Ozzie

Thanks for your interest in Michele Nimtz. For more information, feel free to get in touch and Ozzie will respond as soon as he finishes chasing that deranged squirell! I’ve named him “Fred”.

Ozzie loves the sites and smells of Mobile, Alabama. I can write and create anywhere!

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