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Hey! I’m Michele, the crazy artsy lady who has a Little Free Library and a puppy named Ozzie. I hope you visit often and follow me! Who knows, I may be famous someday and you can say you knew me “when”!

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What? 2024 is Coming?

Well, four years later we are starting to grow accustom to this new "normal" and perhaps can begin to move forward with hope even in a world which continues to task us with struggles of more, more, more. In the form of power, money, land, or relationships. The conflicts always happen in fear. Fear of not enough. Share? Me? I don't have enough give me what you have you have too much. See how disfunctional this thought pattern is?

I will opt for living in abundance, not lack. Why not life on life's terms, knowing a Higher Power has my back even in adversity. If I'm without, it's more about not being grateful for all the blessings I possess. Time to change my internal dialog.

I hope you will join me as we enter a new year as bright shiny new versions of ourselves. I know I plan to bling everyone by the end of the year. How about you?

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Contact Ozzie

Thanks for your interest in Michele Nimtz. For more information, feel free to get in touch and Ozzie will respond as soon as he finishes chasing that deranged squirell! I’ve named him “Fred”.

Ozzie loves the sites and smells of Mobile, Alabama. I can write and create anywhere!

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